Art. 1
Research Centre establishment
In accordance with art.89 of D.P.R. 382/80, the Research Centre “Rossana Bossaglia” for decorative arts, graphics and arts during Modern and Contemporary Age was created at University of Verona.
The Department of Culture and Civilization promotes the Research Centre.
Art. 2
Administrative Location of the Research Centre
The Research Centre is located at Department of Culture and Civilization that practices the management and administrative functions needed by the Centre.
Art. 3
Research Centre Aims
The main aims of the Centre are:
Promoting the decorative arts and Italian arts study, referring to Taste cases such as Liberty, Déco and Novecento strictly connected with museums and collections, University Research Centres and thematic centres both in Italy and Europe;
Collecting, cataloguing, conserving and divulging documentary and bibliographic materials related to the development of Decorative Arts and Arts between Eighteenth and Twenty-first Centuries;
Creating an organized archive made by images, sheets, documents, bibliography, digitalization of graphic materials and examples of Decorative Arts between Eighteenth and Twenty-first Centuries; this material can be implemented by research and work made by students from Graduation courses, PhD researchers, Postdoc researchers and colleagues;
Creating an organized archive of images, sheets, documents, bibliography about great profane decoration during Eighteenth Century (painting, quadratura, stucco, sculpture, etc.) in Northern Italy, usable through various research keys and open to synergies with other Universities and Research Centers;
Organizing seminars and study days, didactic seminars, promoting scientific publications, predicting consequences in the didactic area both in the Cultural Heritage Undergraduation course, Arts Graduation Course and International PhD, promoting tutoring activities, promoting scholarships dedicated to the study and implementation of the digital archives of the Centre;
Organizing, curating and giving consultation for exhibitions dedicated to Decorative Arts and Art during Eighteenth and Twenty-first Centuries;
Promoting specialized studies, dissertations and PhD dissertations on Decorative Arts, Art graphics, Art History and Architecture between Eighteenth and Twenty-first Centuries.
Art. 4
Authorities of the Research Centre
The Research Centre Authorities are:
The Scientific Committee
The Executive Committee
The Director
Art. 5
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is composed by specialists, University professors, museums directors, Research Centres directors invited by the Director and, if possible, connected by conventions between individual Authorities and the Department of Culture and Civilization.
The Scientific Committee will usually reunite (if possible even in a telematic way) once a year and in a extraordinary session when the Director believes it will be necessary or when requested by one third of the members.
The convocation communication of the Scientific Committee with the order of the day is declared by the Director at least five days before the meeting.
The decisions are taken by absolute majority of the present, in case of equality the Director vote will be decisive.
The Scientific Committee collects and values proposals for the Research Centre activities, cooperating in information exchange, organizing events (conveigns, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, publications etc.) and in any other activity that will be necessary for the development of the Research Centre.
All the indications and activities proposed by the Scientific Committee will be discussed and eventually approved by the Executive Committee.
Art. 6
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the orientation, programming and coordination authority for the Research Centre activities.
It is composed by:
The Director presiding over
The Secretary
At least three and not more of six members of the Scientific Committee
The Executive Committee is in office for three years.
Inside the Executive Committee is not allowed the overlapping of roles.
The Executive Committee will usually reunite twice a year (if possible even in a telematic way) year and in an extraordinary session when the Director believes it will be necessary or when requested by one third of the members.
The convocation communication of the Scientific Committee with the order of the day is declared by the Director at least five days before the meeting.
The decisions are taken by absolute majority of the present, in case of equality the Director vote will be decisive.
The Executive Committee deliberates on general about the activities of the Research Centre proposed by the Scientific Committee and deliberates about any issue exposed to the Research Centre itself; approves the annual programme and, if necessary, the estimate and final balance financial reports, and also the annual report on treated activities arranged by the Director. The Committee gives its point of view on any interesting issue exposed during the order of the day and, particularly, subscription or cooperation requests.
Art. 7
The Director
The Director has the responsibility of the Research Centre functioning; he represents the Research Centre on the outside; arranges programmes and eventually the guide lines for financial reports and the annual report for the activities that will be submitted to the Scientific Committee and Executive Committee.
The Director accounts for the Centre once a year to the Scientific Committee and to the Executive Committee.
The Director leads the Research Centre for five year. The mandate is renewable.
Art. 8
Procedure of subscription to the Research Centre
The request of subscription to the Research Centre can be presented by single professors or University researchers, experts, Museum members, Soprintendenza etc. motivating the request in relation to the scientific specifications and activities of the Centre.
The motivated request should be accepted by the Scientific Committee. The eventual deny will be communicated by written form.
Art. 9
Centre Resources
To develop its own activities the Centre can use:
The work of the members;
The cooperation of technician and administrative workers of the Department of Culture and Civilization; also, PhD researchers and students of the Department can cooperate.
The funds of the Centre are:
Eventual funds from professors and University researchers, experts, Museum members, Soprintendenza etc. related to the Centre, due to the indication of the Executive Committee;
Funds specifically indicated by law or by disposition from the Administration Council of the University or by Department Council to the Centre activity;
Convention and contracts with Public Authorities and private subjects, donations, inheritance and other liberations authorized;
Funds from the Centre activity;
Other contributes from Authority and/or Privates due to empower the research activities of the Centre and the organization of conferences and seminars and promoting the creation of scholarships.
The assigned funds are controlled by the Department of Culture and Civilization and are restricted by the destination for the Centre.
The movable properties, acquired with Centre funds, are inventoried by Department of Culture and Civilization and are restricted by a bond of destination in favour of the Centre.
The funds and the bonded properties cannot by resigned and their destination cannot be changed without the Executive Committee deliberation.
In case of dissolution of the Centre, the Executive Committee decides in order of the assignment of the funds and properties in favour of itself.
If a Department, a professor, a researcher or a research group should withdraw, funds and properties with destination bond in favour of the Centre will remain pertinence of the Centre itself.
Art. 10
Settlment Modification
The modification to the present Settlement should be unanimously formulated by the Executive Committee or proposed at least by one fifth of the members of the Scientific Committee; they will be voted by the Executive Committee, whom members should receive notification at least three months before.
Will be approved requests at least by two third of the Executive Committee.
Modification will be operative with deliberation of the Department of Culture and Civilization Council.
Art. 11
Duration, Renewal and Dissolution from the Centre
The Centre duration is ten years.
The Centre renewal can happen only with explicit request of one third of the subscribing members of the Centre and should be presented at least three months before its end. The renewal proposal should be approved at least by two third of the members of the Scientific Committee.
On deliberation of the Executive Committee and with the mode needed by Settlement modification, the Centre can be dissoluted due to the indication of the Scientific Committee of the Centre.