P.R.I.N. 2010-2011
The profane painting from Baroque Age to Neoclassic Age in Northern Italy, with particular attention to the presence of Veneto and Venetian painters.
The research group tasks were to arrange a detailed and documented atlas of the profane decoration present in the Lombard territories, specifically the area that corresponds to the actual Brescia municipality, with attention to the presence of Veneto artists. For the selected time lapse, which is from Baroque to Neoclassicism, it had been possible to create a useful series of confronts in the ambit not only of artistic personalities, but also of iconographic choices, of commitment orientations and specific themes spread. The individuation, the documentary images collection, the analysis and filing of decoration apparatus with profane themes of in the selected areas are basis for the creation of an atlas that mainly comprehends pictorial frescoes testimonies, without excluding canvas, stucco decorations and sculptures.
The pictorial and decorative production for Lombard commitment spreads out during a wide range of choices between Classicism (from Bolognese and Roman models), rococo (looking, from time to time, to Venice and Veneto, to France and beyond the Alps) and Neoclassicism. The final aim is the publication of a volume about Brescia buildings, whereas it’s already available on this site the database about the great decoration with profane themes realized in Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassical ages, that allows to conduct researches about iconographical choices, commitment orientations and specific themes spread.
The idea of creating a catalogue, full of images coming from photographic campaign, was born inside the PRIN 2010-2011 (National coordinator prof. Giuseppe Pavanello, University of Trieste).
The first work phase has focused on a selection of Brescia buildings and villas; it will follow an upgrade about Veronese buildings in collaboration with University of Padua.
Involved Universities:
University of Trieste P.I.
University of Bergamo
University of Padua
University of Parma
University of Udine
University of Verona
University IULM of Milan
Results of the research:
- Creation of a digital archive dedicated to the great decoration, published on the website of the Rossana Bossaglia’s Research Centre
- Stefania Cretella, Il Ridotto del Teatro Grande di Brescia, with contributions by Valerio Terraroli and Marco Fasser, Grafo, Brescia 2016 (ISBN: 9788873859631)
- Stefania Cretella, La grande stagione neoclassica a Brescia: il rinnovamento di palazzo Averoldi, in “Ricche Minere”, n. 6, december 2016, pp. 121-144 (ISSN: 2284-1717)
- Monica Molteni, “Il Tiziano di questa età, o Zeusi di questi anni di fango”: sulle tecniche di Andrea Celesti nel ciclo di Toscolano, in Sul lago di Garda tra passato e futuro. Le Arti. Volume primo, Conference Acts (Salò, Liceo Fermi, 6th February 2015) curated by Salò Athenaeum, Liber Edizioni, Brescia 2018, pp. 67-88 (ISBN: 9788836639120)
- Stefania Cretella, La grande decorazione pittorica tra barocco e rococò sulla sponda bresciana del Benàco, in Sul lago di Garda tra passato e futuro. Le Arti. Volume primo, Conference Acts (Salò, Liceo Fermi, 6th February 2015) curated by Salò Athenaeum, Liber Edizioni, Brescia 2018, pp. 89-101 (ISBN: 9788836639120)